What are Sales Trigger Events? Let's Convert Your leads

Piers Montgomery
April 17, 2024

What are sales triggers?

Triggers is gaining popularity but how do we reach out to that top 10% and stop wasting time on leads that won't convert? This will show you what's the difference between Dynamic & Static prospecting, how to leverage triggers, what triggers you can look for & how to work out which ones to use.

So what are they?

A sales trigger is essentially a signal or "event" that indicates a prospect may be ready to enter a buying phase, transforming them into a potential customer. These triggers can take many forms and are derived from various types of pre-intent data. They are an integral part of a salesperson's toolkit and represent a powerful strategy in identifying and capitalizing on opportunities.
Sales triggers

How to use dynamic lists to enhance sales?

In the fast-paced world of business, the ability to quickly adapt to market changes and understand customer behavior is crucial. Dynamic list prospecting emerges as a powerful strategy in this context, offering real-time updates and data-driven insights that transform traditional sales and marketing approaches.

This method stands in stark contrast to static list prospecting, which relies on fixed data sets and requires manual updates. Here, we delve into the mechanics and benefits of dynamic list prospecting, illustrating why it's essential for businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge.

What is Dynamic List Prospecting?

Dynamic list prospecting is an advanced strategy that leverages continuously updating data to maintain a list of prospects that is as current as possible. This approach is particularly useful in industries where rapid changes and high turnover rates are common, such as technology, finance, and high-level B2B sales.

dynamic list prospecting

Key Features of Dynamic List Prospecting

  • Continuous Data Refreshment - Dynamic lists are automatically updated as new data flows in, ensuring that the information remains relevant. This continuous refreshment is crucial for industries experiencing frequent changes, allowing companies to react swiftly to new opportunities or shifts in the market.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility - These lists adapt in real-time, allowing businesses to adjust their marketing and sales strategies based on the latest insights. Whether targeting new roles within companies or shifting focus due to market conditions, dynamic lists provide the agility needed to stay relevant.
  • Enhanced Lead Generation and Precision in Segmentation - By using the most current data, dynamic lists enable precise segmentation of the target market. This precision ensures that marketing efforts are not wasted on outdated leads, but rather focused on prospects with the highest potential for conversion.
  • Real-time Reporting and Actionable Insights - Dynamic lists facilitate up-to-the-minute reporting, providing stakeholders with current insights into sales and marketing performance. This capability is vital for making informed decisions that align with ongoing business activities and market conditions.
  • Automated Prospecting - Automation plays a key role in dynamic lists, where algorithms and criteria are set to continuously identify and update prospect information. This reduces manual labor and allows sales teams to concentrate on engaging with prospects and nurturing leads.
  • Inter-departmental Alignment - Real-time data synchronization ensures that all departments involved in sales and marketing are aligned with the latest market and customer information. This alignment is crucial for cohesive strategies and uniform messaging across all touchpoints.

Benefits of Dynamic List Prospecting

  1. Timeliness: The information on dynamic lists is always current, providing a significant edge in rapidly evolving markets
  2. Targeted Engagement: With up-to-date data, companies can tailor their outreach strategies to meet the specific needs and characteristics of each segment, enhancing the chances of engagement.
  3. Efficiency: Automatic updates and integration with existing CRM systems streamline workflows, reducing the time and effort required to maintain accurate prospect lists.
  4. Scalability: Dynamic lists can easily scale with your business, accommodating new data and market expansions without requiring extensive manual input.

Dynamic list prospecting is not just an option in today's digital age—it's a necessity for businesses that want to stay ahead. By integrating real-time data into their prospecting activities, companies can ensure that their sales and marketing efforts are as effective, targeted, and efficient as possible. In a world where data is continuously generated and the business landscape shifts unpredictably, dynamic list prospecting is the key to turning information into a strategic advantage.

Trigify.io static list modal
Trigify.io Static List Hub

How to use static lists for effective sales?

In the complex terrain of sales and marketing, having a reliable and stable set of data can be as valuable as the newest information, especially for campaigns that target a defined audience over a longer period. This is where static list prospecting comes into play, providing a consistent and unchanging foundation for outreach efforts.

While dynamic list prospecting adapts to the minute-by-minute updates of the digital world, static list prospecting relies on a fixed data set that offers unique advantages for certain strategic approaches. This article explores the concept, utility, and benefits of static list prospecting, demonstrating its relevance in today’s sales and marketing landscapes.

What is Static List Prospecting?

Static list prospecting involves the creation and use of a fixed list of prospects, which does not change unless manually updated. This type of list is crafted from data that remains constant over time, making it ideal for campaigns targeting a specific demographic or geographic area where major changes are infrequent.

Key Features of Static List Prospecting

  • Consistency and Stability - The primary feature of a static list is its unchanging nature. Once created, the list provides a steady framework that can be reliably used for planned campaigns, without the need for continuous adjustments
  • Simplicity and Ease of Management - Static lists are straightforward to create and maintain. They do not require complex systems to update continuously, making them accessible for businesses without advanced CRM systems.
  • Targeted Outreach - Static lists enable precise targeting as they are often developed with specific criteria in mind. This makes them particularly effective for reaching out to a niche audience.
  • Cost-Effectiveness - With minimal need for ongoing maintenance, static lists can be more cost-effective compared to dynamic lists, especially for small businesses or campaigns with limited budgets.
  • Integration with Traditional Marketing Tools - Static lists work well with traditional marketing tools like direct mail, telemarketing, and email campaigns, where the frequency of contact is controlled and deliberate.

Benefits of Static List Prospecting

  1. Predictability - The fixed nature of static lists means there are no surprises in the data. This predictability allows for consistent outreach efforts and reliable campaign planning.
  2. Long-term Focus - Static lists are ideal for long-term campaigns targeting specific demographics that do not require frequent updates, such as annual subscription renewals or seasonal promotions.
  3. Resource Efficiency - They reduce the need for constant monitoring and updating, which can save significant time and resources.
  4. Ease of Sharing and Collaboration - Static lists can be easily shared across teams and with external partners without concerns about data privacy or integrity, as the information is not continuously changing.

While the allure of real-time data is undeniable in today’s fast-paced market environments, static list prospecting holds its ground by offering reliability and efficiency, especially suitable for specific strategic initiatives. For businesses that operate in stable markets or with well-defined target audiences, static lists provide a robust platform for sustained marketing and sales efforts.

In contexts where the rapid evolution of data does not dictate the tempo of business operations, static list prospecting remains a valuable tool, blending traditional methods with modern outreach techniques to achieve targeted and effective results.

Combine both dynamic and static lists

By combining static list prospecting with dynamic triggers, companies can leverage the strengths of both methods, creating a hybrid approach that maximizes efficiency and effectiveness.

Integration of Static Lists with Dynamic Triggers

Starting with a Static Foundation: The process begins with the creation of a static list—a fixed dataset crafted based on specific criteria such as demographic information, industry sector, or geographical location. This list serves as the stable base, providing a consistent group of prospects that are known to match a certain profile that aligns with the company’s long-term targeting strategies.

Overlaying Dynamic Triggers: Once the static list is established, dynamic triggers are applied. These triggers are real-time or near-real-time events that indicate a potential change in a prospect's status or a new opportunity. Examples of such triggers include job changes, company announcements, funding rounds, or market shifts. By setting these triggers, businesses can respond promptly to new information that could affect the relevance of a prospect in the static list.

Benefits of Combining Static and Dynamic Approaches

  1. Enhanced Responsiveness: While the static list provides a dependable base of prospects, dynamic triggers ensure that the strategy remains responsive to new developments. This combination allows businesses to maintain ongoing relationships with established prospects while also capitalizing on fresh opportunities as they arise.
  2. Balanced Resource Allocation: This approach balances the need for stability and agility without the resource intensity that purely dynamic prospecting requires. Businesses can allocate resources efficiently, focusing dynamic efforts where they are most likely to yield results based on real-time data.
  3. Targeted Yet Flexible Engagement: By starting with a targeted static list, businesses can ensure that their outreach is focused and relevant. The addition of dynamic triggers allows for flexibility, adjusting the outreach strategy based on recent events or data changes, thus keeping the engagement highly relevant and timely.
  4. Continuous Optimization: The use of dynamic triggers over a static list enables continuous optimization of the prospecting strategy. As new data comes in, the criteria for the static list can be reevaluated and adjusted if necessary, ensuring that the list remains effective over time.
  5. Cost-Effective Scaling: For businesses looking to scale their operations, this combined approach offers a cost-effective solution. It minimizes the need for constant list refreshment while ensuring that the list evolves in response to significant developments, supporting sustainable growth.

Implementing the Combined Approach

To successfully implement this hybrid prospecting strategy, businesses should use a tool like Trigify.io that allow for seamless integration of static lists with dynamic data inputs. Automation plays a crucial role here, helping to detect relevant triggers and apply them to the existing list without manual intervention. The right CRM or sales enablement tool should offer capabilities to not only maintain and manage static lists but also to integrate real-time data and analytics that can trigger actions automatically.

How to determine which sales trigger to use?

  1. Determine which signals and what intent data is most relevant for your prospects, the industry you sell into, your product, and your pricing. This involves understanding your target audience and their behaviors.
  2. Ask – what is happening to my prospects’ work life before they need my solution? This can help you identify key events or changes that might prompt a need for your product or service.
  3. Select the correct data sources for intent and signals. This could be from your own CRM, social media, industry news, etc.
  4. Integrate these data sources with your CRM and Sales Enablement tool, ensuring that this data is cleaned, enriched, and verified.
  5. Set up trigger conditions and connect these to your campaigns and workflows. This will allow you to automate a lot of your activity to the prospects that are likely in the market.

Remember, the goal is to align these triggers with one of the 5 reasons why people buy: to save money, save time (efficiency), make more money, grow by hiring, onboarding & training new employees, or mitigate risk.

Leverage Triggers

To leverage sales triggers, you can follow these steps:

  1. Map these trigger events across the 5 stages of customer awareness, as outlined by Eugene Schwartz in his copywriting classic “Breakthrough Advertising”. This will help you understand when and how to engage with your prospects.
  2. Integrate the data sources for intent and signals with your CRM and Sales Enablement tool. This ensures that the data is cleaned, enriched, and verified.
  3. Create engagement campaigns and workflows. This could involve email marketing, social media campaigns, or other forms of outreach.
  4. Set up trigger conditions and connect these to your campaigns and workflows. This allows you to automate your activity to the prospects that are likely in the market.
  5. Once implemented, you can essentially automate a lot of your activity to the 10% of your prospects that are likely in the market. This results in the right message, going to the right person, at the right time.

Remember, the goal is to use these triggers to align with one of the 5 reasons why people buy: to save money, save time (efficiency), make more money, grow by hiring, onboarding & training new employees, or mitigate risk.

What copy should I use?

When utilizing a dynamic trigger approach to prospecting, your copy should be adaptive, personalized, and responsive to the real-time data you’re collecting. The goal is to make each communication feel tailor-made for the recipient, based on the latest information available. Here are some key elements to consider when crafting your copy for a dynamic prospecting approach:

  1. Personalization - This goes beyond just inserting the recipient’s name into an email. Use the data you've collected to tailor the message according to the recipient's current role, recent business developments, or industry trends. For example, mention recent company milestones or comment on their latest professional achievement. This shows attentiveness and relevance, significantly increasing the chances of engagement.
  2. Timeliness - Your copy should reflect the immediacy and relevance of the information. Use dynamic triggers like recent job changes, company announcements, or industry news to create a sense of urgency. Phrases like "In light of your recent…" or "Congratulations on…" can effectively draw attention and make the message timely.
  3. Contextual Relevance - Link your proposition to real-time events or needs. For instance, if your prospect’s company has just expanded, tailor your message to address how your product or service can facilitate or enhance this new phase of their business. This not only shows that you’re informed but also that your solution is pertinent.
  4. Clarity and Conciseness - While it's important to be relevant and timely, clarity should not be sacrificed. Ensure your message is straightforward and to the point. Busy professionals appreciate brevity, especially when it’s clear how the message relates to their current situation or challenges.
  5. Call to Action (CTA) - Make your CTAs clear and compelling. They should be relevant to the content of the message and encourage immediate action. For example, if you’re reaching out in response to a recent funding announcement, your CTA could be to schedule a discussion on how your services can help manage their expected growth.
  6. Adaptability - Prepare to quickly adapt your message based on the feedback or further interactions. Dynamic prospecting is not just about sending out personalized messages but also about responding appropriately to the reactions they elicit. Ensure your follow-up communications are just as personalized and data-driven.
  7. Testing and Optimization - Use A/B testing for different segments of your dynamic list to see which messages perform better. This will help you continuously refine your approach based on solid data, enhancing the effectiveness of your communications over time.

Example of Dynamic Copy Here’s a brief example to illustrate how dynamic copy might look for a software solution targeting marketing professionals:

Subject: Enhance Your Latest Campaign with Our AI-driven Analytics
Body: Hi [Name],
I noticed your recent launch of the [Specific Campaign]—congratulations on rolling out what looks to be another exciting initiative! At [Your Company], we’ve helped similar companies leverage AI to dramatically increase their campaign effectiveness.
I’d love to share how our tools can provide deeper insights and streamline your analytics, ensuring your new campaign exceeds its goals. Could we schedule a quick call this week to discuss your needs?
Looking forward to helping you achieve even greater success.
Best, [Your Name]

By ensuring your copy is responsive, personalized, and continuously optimized, you can maximize the effectiveness of your dynamic prospecting efforts, creating more meaningful connections and ultimately, driving better sales results.


What are sales triggers?

To use sales triggers effectively, start by identifying which triggers are most relevant to your business, such as funding rounds, key personnel changes, and company expansions. Think about what may have triggered your last sale to get an idea. Set up alerts to be notified when these events occur, ensuring timely outreach. Research the prospect’s current situation and personalise your message, referencing the trigger event to demonstrate your understanding of their needs. Timing is crucial, so contact the prospect soon after the trigger event to increase relevance. Follow up strategically if there’s no immediate response, and continuously measure and refine your approach based on the outcomes of your trigger-based outreach. By doing so, you can engage prospects more effectively and improve conversion rates.

How to track sales triggers?

Tracking sales triggers is essential for identifying sales opportunities. Stay informed about new funding rounds, key personnel changes, IPOs, and company expansions, as these can signal potential investments or needs for new services. Monitor regulatory non-compliance notices and new office openings to identify compliance and service opportunities. Additionally, track layoffs to find companies that might need cost-saving solutions. By using these strategies and leveraging tools or SaaS software, you can effectively manage your lead generation and capitalise on emerging opportunities.

How to use sales triggers?

To use sales triggers effectively, start by identifying which triggers are most relevant to your business, such as funding rounds, key personnel changes, and company expansions. Think about what may have triggered your last sale to get an idea. Set up alerts to be notified when these events occur, ensuring timely outreach. Research the prospect’s current situation and personalise your message, referencing the trigger event to demonstrate your understanding of their needs. Timing is crucial, so contact the prospect soon after the trigger event to increase relevance. Follow up strategically if there’s no immediate response, and continuously measure and refine your approach based on the outcomes of your trigger-based outreach. By doing so, you can engage prospects more effectively and improve conversion rates.

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